Klimagipfel in Cancun: Eine verpasste Chance!

German version Teil 1
german version Teil 2

The 16:20 min. documntary by Leo Gabriel and Helmut Hostnig shows the different hotspots during the Climate Summit in Cancun, Mexiko, from November 29th to December 10th. The different demonstrations in Cancun, Mexico-City, Cuernavaca are in a more or less open conflict with the governmental negociations in the Moon Palace Hotel. They reflect also the differences between the different parts of the eco-social movements. Statements of UN-Secretary Ban Ki-moon, the bolivian President Evo Morales, the Indian minister of environment, Rafael Alegria from Via Campesina and the parlamentarian chairwoman of the European Green Party are accompanied by interviews  with grass roots activists of different ecological and social organisations.

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International spanish sound version

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1 Comment
  • Ingrid
    Posted at 18:17h, 16 Januar Antworten

    Lieber Helmut,

    woher hast du diese Aufzeichnungen?
    Toll gemacht.
    Mir wurde ganz schlecht bei diesen Berichten.

    Liebe Grüße

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